Bicho’s Will Soon Debut in the Boise Area

"Bicho," when translated to English, means "animal."
Bicho's Will Soon Debut in the Boise Area
Photo: Google Earth

According to a recent permit filing, Bicho’s has filed for a Boise area location at 3917 N Mississippi Avenue.

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“My goal opening date will be sometime in mid-July. Bicho’s will provide high-quality and fresh food that is cooked right in front of you with an open kitchen concept. Customers can see the whole process of their food being made,” Josef Gonzalez, the owner, told What Now Portland.

“Bicho’s will be a Mexican taqueria vibe but will also have modern, nice, hip elements to it. Mexican taqueria places usually cook in the back but this will hopefully give customers more of a comforting feeling seeing exactly what they’re eating.”

“We will also be selling Salvadorian dishes from El Salvador and will have a big emphasis on pupusas. I’m so excited to have other people experience the food!

“I come from a family that likes to cook a lot, and due to that, I grew up around the kitchen and seeing family members always making meals. I hope to bring more flavor to Portland and give people the opportunity to experience new dishes that I think customers will really like.”

Madison Ballinger

Madison Ballinger

Madison Ballinger is a writer, editor, and marketing collaborator with experience ranging from grant writing, screenwriting, SEO, content writing, and more. She graduated from Portland State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in English, with multiple honors accreditations as a first-generation college student. You can find her in a local thrift shop or plant store, creating music, or going to one of her favorite band’s concerts when she is not behind the keyboard furiously typing away.
Madison Ballinger

Madison Ballinger

Madison Ballinger is a writer, editor, and marketing collaborator with experience ranging from grant writing, screenwriting, SEO, content writing, and more. She graduated from Portland State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in English, with multiple honors accreditations as a first-generation college student. You can find her in a local thrift shop or plant store, creating music, or going to one of her favorite band’s concerts when she is not behind the keyboard furiously typing away.
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